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Books, Boudoir,
and Being a Bad Bitch

Bad Boudie Blog

My Top 5 go-to Poses as a Boudoir Photographer

Under The Shadows Book review

Welcome Bitches!

Hey there Fae's and They's and welcome to my blog!

While I've not been super into blogging, I'm starting to see it as a way to deliver important or fun information to future clients (and anyone else) . I have so many ideas for things I want to share here. No matter where you find me in my journey I hope you like the content and enjoy what you read!

Happy reading lovlies! 
- Gabrielle

Helpful Blogs for Future Clients

Book Reviews

Self-love Blogs

5 Mindset shifts I used to help learn to love myself


Fantasy Boudoir photoshoot on the Indiana Blue River

Things I use to enhance my Boudoir Photography & The effects they create

photography by Gabrielle Rene + design by Gurby Rene LLC

Gurby Rene LLC

Central Indiana Boudoir Photographer
Fantasy Romance Author

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 2023 Gurby rene llc. all rights reserved.

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